Thursday, 17 March 2016

A Moment in time

 A Moment in time

My Moment in time is when I DIDN'T go to camp.
I DIDN'T go to camp because I was to sick.
Whenever Mum and I went out to drop off my brother
I would always won't to take my blanket with me
because it would be to cold for a person who's sick!
I DIDN'T even try to get up, because I was to tried to even try!
My throat felt like rough sand-paper rubbing against it.
It sounded like a sick frog croaking inside my throat.
Well that's all I can really tell you about me being sick!!!

By Riana Lee Foster

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

My Puzzle Piece

This is my awesome puzzle piece. It's not the best but I tried my best!!!  By Riana :)  ;)

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

When I was sick

When I was sick

When I was sick I hated staying home all day!!!
All I did was stay home with a blanket on me watching T.V on the couch. But if it was things that I normally wouldn't like to watch, then I would just lay down on the couch and have a rest. Whenever Mum and I went to drop my brother off in the mornings I would always have to take my blanket with me, because it would be way to cold for a person who's sick!!! My throat felt like rough sandpaper rubbing against my throat whenever I swallowed or coughed. My tempruture was COLD. I FROZE even when I had my blanket on!  So now you have learned a little bit more about me being sick, and I hoped that you enjoyed reading my message so,  "PEASE OUT"!!! 
( By Riana Lee Foster)

Monday, 7 March 2016

My Magnificent Mum is the best

_________________MY MUM________________
My Magnificent Mum Is the best!

M- My Mum is  a Marvellous cook. I love to eat her food. It’s sometimes Paleo and at other times it’s just normal food.

U-  U light up my world everyday bright as can be!

M-  Magnificent Marvellous Mum. She is such a great Mum to be around!!



